Features and Options at Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Nexus

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Features and Options at Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Nexus

#Features and Options at Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Nexus| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Infinite Heaven features========================YouTube playlist demonstrating many featureshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSKlVTXYh6F_fmq0u9UmN2XTnfdfcHKJFAll options in Infinite Heaven start set to game defaults and can be adjusted in the Infinite Heaven menus.Discrete features=================Disables self on FOBFOB mode automatically uses defaults/unmodified, this does not affect saved settings on return.Abort to ACC from title continueAt the title screen hold down ESCAPE for 1.5 seconds, the KJP logo will flash, clicking Continue will load ACC instead of continuing mission.Manually trigger Skulls attack on Quarantine platform.After you have captured some Skulls attack them in their cages to trigger an attack.Equip 'NONE' for primary and secondary via the normal mission prep equipment select screen.The entries will show as a white square with '---' as the text. WARNING: Do not equip these on FOB as there is an equipment check.Manually trigger Skulls attack on Quarantine platform.After you have captures some Skulls attack the in their cages to trigger an attack.Toggle Disable pull-out in support heli.Pressing while support heli will toggle Disable pull-out. If changing from pull-out to pull-out disabled you'll still have to exit and enter the heli, but while pull-out is disabled pressing it will cause heli to pull-out.Manually trigger open heli door at mission start.Pressing while support heli at mission start. Mostly useful with the 'Mission start time till open door' so you can control how long you stay sitting in heli on mission start.Pause and restart cutscenes.Pressing when a cutscene is playing will toggle pause/resume. Pressing will restart the cutscene.Quick menu commands.(Must be enabled via option in IH system menu, or by editing InfQuickMenuDefs.lua)Shortcut key combinations to activate IH features. See Infinite Heaven readme or InfQuickMenuDefs.lua in mod folder.Settings save file.IH writes its settings to ih_save.lua in the MGS_TPPmodsaves folder.While the file is editable, editing an inMission save is likely to cause issues.Profiles.Editable lists of options as an alternative to using the in game IH menu, see the \mod\profiles folder in your MGS_TPP game folder.Reload lua scripts in MGS_TPP without exiting game.Hold ,,, (Can also use the loadExternalModules command in the Debug menu)New sideops for Mother Base.(Optional Files) Adds 3 new animal capture sideops for Mother Base. Make sure you've cleared the target training sidops for the clusters or they may not show.IHHook proxy dllInstalled seperately. For extending IHs capabilities (similar concept to SKSE), and providing a dear-Imgui version of IH menu (to supersede IHExt).Menu, Options and Settings==========================How to Open the menu:While in ACC Heli (Safe-space menu), or in-mission (In-mission menu)Press and hold (V key or RStick click) then press (shift key or LStick click) to toggle the mod menu when in the ACC or in-mission.Or if IHHook is working, press F3Basic terms used in the Infinite Heaven menu:[Option] : [Setting(s)] In-ACC menu-----------1: IH system menu2: General Help : 0-1General Help:Press F2 to toggle mouse cursor.Navigate menu: Arrow keys or Dpad.Activate or advance setting: Press Right key or Dpad or double-click option in menu.Search for settings: Click on the setting text below the menu list, type what you want and press Enter.Change a numerical setting: Click on the setting value below the menu list, type what you want and press Enter.Menu item type symbols:> Sub-menu >> Command >] Command that closes menu when done Option that applies change when setting selectected/cycled to >! Option that has an action activated by pressing Some settings apply when selected or just set the value when the a feature is triggered by another command or during mission load.See ReadMe or Features and Options for more info.3: Cam - AroundCam menu4: Cam - PlayCam menu5: Cam - Player Cam hook menu6: Cutscenes menu7: Debug menu8: Enemy Prep menu9: Enemy phases menu10: Enemy reinforcements menu11: Events menu12: Fulton menu13: Mission-prep features menu14: Mother Base menu15: Patrols and deployments menu16: Player restrictions menu17: Player settings menu18: Progression menu19: RouteSet menu20: Side ops menu21: Soldier parameters menu22: Support heli menu23: Time scale menu24: Weather menuIH system menu--------------1: Enable IHExt : Off, OnIHExt is a windows program that acts as an gui overlay if MGSV is running in Windowed Borderless.2: Enable help text. : Off, OnShows help text for some options.3: Give IHExt focus : 0-14: Enable mouse cursor on menu open : Off, OnAutomatically enable mouse cursor when IHMenu opens. The cursor can also be seperately toggled with F25: Disable hold menu toggle : Off, OnDisables the legacy hold to open menu, the two button menu combo + will still work.6: UI Style Editor : 0-1Toggles the IMGui Style Editor to load, change and save the style for IHHook IMGUI.7: Select profile : Selects a profile from MGS_TPP\mod\profiles folder. Press the button to apply the settings of the selected profile.8: Set profile options to game defaults : 0-1Sets the options described in the selected profile to their default setting.9: Save to UserSaved profile : 0-1Saves current IH settings to UserSaved profile at MGS_TPP\profiles\UserSaved.lua.10: Enable Quick Menu : Off, OnShortcut key combinations to activate IH features. See Infinite Heaven readme or InfQuickMenuDefs.lua in mod folder.11: Start offline : Off, OnStart the game in offline mode, this also removes the connect option from the pause menu.12: Skip startup logos : Off, OnStops the konami/kjp/fox/nvidia logos from showing.13: Load addon mission : NONE14: Include addon missions in completion percentage : Off, On15: Reset all IH settings : 0-1Cam - AroundCam menu--------------------1: Adjust-cam [Mode] : Off, On聽 Move cam with normal move keys 聽 (Shift or Left stick click) to move up聽 (Middle mouse or Right stick click) to move down聽 Hold the following and move left stick up/down to increase/decrease the settings:聽 - Zoom/focal length聽 - Aperture (DOF)聽 - Focus distance (DOF) 聽 - Cam move speed聽 - Camera orbit distance聽 Or hold and press the above to reset that setting.聽 Hold and press to move free cam position to the player position2: Camera mode : Default, Free cam3: Reset camera position to player : 0-14: Warp body to FreeCam position : 0-15: Update stage position with camera : Off, On6: positionXFreeCam : -100000-1000007: positionYFreeCam : -100000-1000008: positionZFreeCam : -100000-1000009: Cam speed scale : 0.01-1010: focalLengthFreeCam : 0.1-1000011: focusDistanceFreeCam : 0.01-100012: apertureFreeCam : 0.001-10013: distanceFreeCam : 0-10014: targetInterpTimeFreeCam : 0-10015: rotationLimitMinXFreeCam : -90-016: rotationLimitMaxXFreeCam : 0-9017: alphaDistanceFreeCam : 0-1018: Disable mode text feedback : Off, On19: Show freecam position : 0-1Cam - PlayCam menu- An alternate camera than the one used by freecam. WARNING: is sometimes unstable and may crash the game.------------------1: Start PlayCam : 0-1Starts PlayCam with current settings. Changing any setting also automatically starts the PlayCam.2: Stop PlayCam : 0-13: Camera target : PlayerSelects game object for camerat to target. You can add more game objects via the Objects menu in the main Mission menu.4: Focal length : 0.1-10000DOF variable5: Focus distance : 0.1-30DOF variable6: Apeture : 0.001-100DOF variable7: Follow Position : Off, OnFollows position of Camera target. Overrides Follow Rotation.8: Follow Rotation : Off, OnFollows rotation of Camera target.9: Target offset X : -1000-1000Adjusts X axis of camera target10: Target offset Y : -1000-1000Adjusts Y axis of camera target11: Target offset Z : -1000-1000Adjusts Z axis of camera target12: Position offset X : -1000-1000Adjusts X axis of camera position13: Position offset Y : -1000-1000Adjusts Y axis of camera position14: Position offset Z : -1000-1000Adjusts Z axis of camera position15: Follow time : 0-10000Time in seconds before camera follow turns off. See Follow Position and Follow Rotation.16: Follow delay time : 0-1Delay before camera follows. Acts more like interpolation time than one-off. See Follow Position and Follow Rotation.17: Time till end : 0-10000Time in seconds before PlayCam turns off. Set to high number if you don't want it to end.18: Fit on camera : Off, OnUnknown19: Fit start time : 0-1000For Fit on camera.20: Fit interp time : 0-5Interpolation time for Fit on camera.21: Fit diff focal length : 0-100Fit diff focal length22: Call Se of Camera Interp : Off, OnUnknown23: Use last selected index : Off, OnUnknown24: Collision check : Off, OnChecks between camera and target and moves camera in if there is something in the way.Cam - Player Cam hook menu- Uses IHHook to adjust the player camera focal length.聽Same method as the FOV mod d3d11.dll--------------------------1: Enable Player Cam hook : Off, On2: FocalLength Normal : 0.01-3500Only updates after changing cam mode.Focal lengths between modes not equivalent (some other factor being applied)Lower focal length = wider FOV,Higher focal length = lower FOV3: FocalLength Aiming : 0.01-3500Only updates after changing cam mode.Focal lengths between modes not equivalent (some other factor being applied)Lower focal length = wider FOV,Higher focal length = lower FOV4: FocalLength Hiding : 0.01-3500Only updates after changing cam mode.Focal lengths between modes not equivalent (some other factor being applied)Lower focal length = wider FOV,Higher focal length = lower FOV5: FocalLength CQC : 0.01-3500Only updates after changing cam mode.Focal lengths between modes not equivalent (some other factor being applied)Lower focal length = wider FOV,Higher focal length = lower FOV6: Apply FOV : 1-179Applies FOV(degrees) proportionally to the different cam mode focal lengths.Cutscenes menu--------------1: Use selected soldier in all cutscenes and missions : Off, On2: MB cutscene play mode : Default, Play selected, Cutscenes disabledForces or Disables cutscenes that trigger under certain circumstances on returning to Mother Base3: Select MB cutscene (REQ: Play selected) : 4: Force allow actions : Off, OnPrevents disabling of player actions during cutscene, but most cutscenes require the Disable cutscene camera mod from the IH files page.5: Override time : Cutscene default, Current, Custom6: Hour : 0-237: Minute : 0-598: Override weather : Cutscene default, Current, Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Sandstorm, Foggy, PouringDebug menu----------1: Debug IH mode : Off, OnSwitches on logging messages to ih_log.txt (at the cost of longer load times) and enables the announce-log during loading.2: debugMessages : Off, OnLogs game message system, requires Debug IH mode to be on.3: debugFlow : Off, OnLogs some script execution flow, requires Debug IH mode to be on.4: debugOnUpdate : Off, On5: log_SetFlushLevel : trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, off [Requires IHHook]6: Reload IH modules : 0-17: copyLogToPrev : 0-18: printPressedButtons : Off, On9: Show freecam position : 0-110: Show position : 0-111: Show missionCode : 0-112: Show game language code : 0-113: appearanceDebugMenu14: Disable mission intro credits : Off, On15: manualMissionCode : 16: manualSequence : NONEappearanceDebugMenu-------------------1: faceFovaDirect : 0-10002: faceDecoFovaDirect : 0-10003: hairFovaDirect : 0-10004: hairDecoFovaDirect : 0-10005: playerTypeDirect : SNAKE, AVATAR, DD_MALE, DD_FEMALE6: playerPartsTypeDirect : 0-1007: playerCamoTypeDirect : 0-10008: playerFaceIdDirect : 0-7309: playerFaceEquipIdDirect : 0-10010: Print face info : 0-111: Print appearance info : 0-112: faceFova : Only for DD soldiers13: faceDecoFova : Only for DD soldiers14: hairFova : Only for DD soldiers15: hairDecoFova : Only for DD soldiers16: faceFovaUnknown1 : 0-5017: faceFovaUnknown2 : 0-118: faceFovaUnknown3 : 0-419: faceFovaUnknown4 : 0-420: faceFovaUnknown5 : 0-121: faceFovaUnknown6 : 0-322: faceFovaUnknown7 : 0-30323: faceFovaUnknown8 : 0-30324: faceFovaUnknown9 : 0-30325: faceFovaUnknown10 : 0-326: Form Variation menuForm Variation menu- Form Variation support for player models (requires model swap to support it), the fova system is how the game shows and hides sub-models.-------------------1: Use selected fova : Off, On2: : 3: Print current body info : 0-1Enemy Prep menu- Ways to modify the Enemy preparedness system that equips the enemy in response to your actions.---------------1: Free roam prep mode : Enemy prep levels, Custom prep, Prep levels + Custom overridesEnemy prep levels - the normal games enemy prep levels, Custom prep - uses all the settings in the Custom prep menu, Prep levels + Custom overrides - overrides the Enemy prep levels config with any Custom prep settings that aren't set to their default setting.2: Missions prep mode : Enemy prep levels, Custom prep, Prep levels + Custom overrides3: Mother base prep mode : Off, FOB style, Enemy prep levels, Custom prep, Prep levels + Custom overrides4: Custom prep menu5: Prep system menu6: Custom soldier equip menu7: Custom soldier type in Free roam : OFF, DRAB, TIGER, SNEAKING_SUIT, BATTLE_DRESS, SWIMWEAR, SWIMWEAR2, SWIMWEAR3, PFA_ARMOR, SOVIET_A, SOVIET_B, PF_A, PF_B, PF_C, SOVIET_BERETS, SOVIET_HOODIES, SOVIET_ALL, PF_MISC, PF_ALL, MSF_GZ, MSF_TPP, XOF, XOF_GASMASK, XOF_GZ, GENOME_SOLDIEROverride the soldier type of enemy soldiers in Free Roam.New soldier types can be added via the bodyInfo addon system.8: Reset enemy preparedness levels : 0-1Resets enemy prep levels to 09: Print enemy prep levels : 0-110: Random CP subtype in free roam : Off, OnRandomizes the CP subtype - PF types in middle Affrica, urban vs general camo types in Afghanistan11: Random CP subtype in missions : Off, OnRandomizes the CP subtype - PF types in middle Affrica, urban vs general camo types in Afghanistan12: IH interrogation in free roam : Off, OnAdds some interrogations to soldiers: Travel plan of foot patrol, Location of wild card soldier, Location of walker gear. Inter CP quest: Sets up pairs of soldiers in different cps, interrogating one will give CP of other, interrogating him will give a reward of unprocessed resources (around a couple of containers worth) or a skull soldier/parasite on the next extraction (reaching checkpoint etc)Custom prep menu- Lets you set the individual values that go into an enemy prep configuration (does not use the enemy prep levels), a random value between MIN and MAX for each setting is chosen on mission start. The order of items in the menu is generally order the equipment is allocated to each soldier in a CP.----------------1: Print example current config (look in iDroid Log>All tab) : 0-12: Weapon deployment3: Armor deployment4: Headgear deployment5: CP deterrent deployment6: Soldier abilities7: Weapon strength menu8: CP equip strength menu9: Reinforce calls min : 1-99Number of reinforcement calls a CP has.10: Reinforce calls max : 1-99Number of reinforcement calls a CP has.11: Vehicle reinforcement level min : NONE, SUPER_REINFORCE, BLACK_SUPER_REINFORCE12: Vehicle reinforcement level max : NONE, SUPER_REINFORCE, BLACK_SUPER_REINFORCE13: Ignore combat-deploy supply blocks min : Off, OnIgnores the current results of the Combat Deployment/Dispatch/'cut off the supply' missions that affect enemy prep.14: Ignore combat-deploy supply blocks max : Off, OnWeapon deployment-----------------1: SNIPER_MIN : 0-100%2: SNIPER_MAX : 0-100%3: MISSILE_MIN : 0-100%4: MISSILE_MAX : 0-100%5: MG_MIN : 0-100%6: MG_MAX : 0-100%7: SHOTGUN_MIN : 0-100%8: SHOTGUN_MAX : 0-100%9: SMG_MIN : 0-100%10: SMG_MAX : 0-100%11: ASSAULT_MIN : 0-100%12: ASSAULT_MAX : 0-100%13: GUN_LIGHT_MIN : 0-100%14: GUN_LIGHT_MAX : 0-100%Armor deployment----------------1: ARMOR_MIN : 0-100%2: ARMOR_MAX : 0-100%3: SOFT_ARMOR_MIN : 0-100%4: SOFT_ARMOR_MAX : 0-100%5: SHIELD_MIN : 0-100%6: SHIELD_MAX : 0-100%Headgear deployment-------------------1: HELMET_MIN : 0-100%2: HELMET_MAX : 0-100%3: NVG_MIN : 0-100%4: NVG_MAX : 0-100%5: GAS_MASK_MIN : 0-100%6: GAS_MASK_MAX : 0-100%CP deterrent deployment-----------------------1: DECOY_MIN : 0-100%2: DECOY_MAX : 0-100%3: MINE_MIN : 0-100%4: MINE_MAX : 0-100%5: CAMERA_MIN : 0-100%6: CAMERA_MAX : 0-100%Soldier abilities-----------------1: STEALTH_MIN : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIALAdjusts enemy soldiers notice,cure,reflex and speed ablilities.2: STEALTH_MAX : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIAL3: COMBAT_MIN : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIALAdjusts enemy soldiers shot,grenade,reload,hp and speed abilities.4: COMBAT_MAX : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIAL5: HOLDUP_MIN : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIAL6: HOLDUP_MAX : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIAL7: FULTON_MIN : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIAL8: FULTON_MAX : NONE, LOW, HIGH, SPECIALWeapon strength menu- Whether to deploy the stronger weapon class for the weapon type--------------------1: STRONG_WEAPON_MIN : Off, On2: STRONG_WEAPON_MAX : Off, On3: STRONG_SNIPER_MIN : Off, On4: STRONG_SNIPER_MAX : Off, On5: STRONG_MISSILE_MIN : Off, On6: STRONG_MISSILE_MAX : Off, OnCP equip strength menu----------------------1: ACTIVE_DECOY_MIN : Off, On2: ACTIVE_DECOY_MAX : Off, On3: GUN_CAMERA_MIN : Off, On4: GUN_CAMERA_MAX : Off, OnPrep system menu----------------1: Resupply in #missions : 0-10The number of missions the enemy dispatch/resupply with unlock after your last successful dispatch mission for that type.2: Apply enemy prep to guard posts : Off, On3: Apply enemy prep to patrol soldiers : Off, On4: Allow heavy armor in free roam (may have issues) : Off, On5: Allow heavy armor in all missions (may have issues) : Off, On6: Disable weapon restrictions in certain missions : Off, OnMissions 2, 12, 13, 16, 26, 31 normally prevent the application of shields, missiles, shotguns and MGs to the general CP enemy prep (though some may have custom enemy prep).7: Allow Enemy Prep change from free roam : Off, OnBy default enemy prep only changes in response to actual missions, this option allows enemy prep changes to be applied after leaving Free roam (but not via abort)8: Enemy prep decrease on long MB visit : Off, OnSpend a number of game days (break out that cigar) during a mother base visit and enemy prep levels will decrease on leaving. Currently reduces after 3 days (stacking), reduces the same as chicken hat 9: Allow helmet and NVG or Gas mask combo : Off, On10: Ballance heavy armor and head gear distribution : Off, OnAdjusts application percentages of the normally mutally exclusive options of heavy armor and the different headgear pieces, not nessesary if Allow helmet and NVG or Gas mask combo option is on11: Allow missile combo with other weapons : Off, OnIn the default game soldiers with missiles only have SMGs, this allows them to have MGs, shotguns or assault rifles assigned to them.12: Mg vs Shotgun variation : Off, OnIn the default game the enemy prep config chooses randomly either MG or Shotguns which is applied for all CPs in the whole mission. This setting allows mixed MGs and Shotguns (but still with the enemy prep total) and also applies them per CP.13: Balance small CPs : Off, OnAdds limits and some randomisation to small cp/lrrps enemy prep application14: Disable convert armor to shield (if armor off) : Off, OnWhere heavy armor is disabled (free roam by default) the normal game converts armor to shields in addition to the normal shield application, this often leads to it feeling like there's just too many.15: Randomize minefield mine types : Off, OnRandomizes the types of mines within a minfield from the default anti-personel mine to gas, anti-tank, electromagnetic. While the placing the mines may not be ideal for the minetype, it does enable OSP of items that would be impossible to get otherwise.16: Enable additional minefields : Off, OnIn the game many bases have several mine fields but by default only one is enabled at a time, this option lets you enable all of them. Still relies on enemy prep level to be high enough for minefields to be enabled.Custom soldier equip menu- Allow soldiers to have equipment from other locations/types, including DD equipment usually only used on FOB. Soldiers are assigned a random weapon of the type the prep system assigns them, so you'll see more weapon variation-------------------------1: Global soldier weapon table in FreeRoam : DEFAULTBase soldier weapon table, either the games default or an addon table. Combined soldier weapon table builds from this.2: Global soldier weapon table in Missions : DEFAULTBase soldier weapon table, either the games default or an addon table. Combined soldier weapon table builds from this.3: Global soldier weapon table in MB : DEFAULTBase soldier weapon table, either the games default or an addon table. Combined soldier weapon table builds from this.4: Enemy use custom weapon table in free roam : Off, On5: Enemy use custom equip table in missions : Off, On6: MB staff use custom equip table : Off, On7: Weapon stengths : NORMAL, STRONG, CombinedThe game weapon tables have Normal and Strong lists that the Enemy prep system will pick from, this setting allows you to select either, or combine them.8: Include Soviet weapons : Off, On9: Include PF weapons : Off, On10: Include XOF weapons : Off, On11: Include DD weapons : Off, OnAdd the DD weapons table that's usually used for FOB, the following grade and developed settings control how this table is built12: DD weapons grade MIN : 1-15A grade will be chosen between MIN and MAX at mission start. Note: Equip grade 3 is the minimum grade that has all types of weapons.13: DD weapons grade MAX : 1-1514: Allow undeveloped DD weapons : Off, OnWhether to limit the selection to equipment you have developed or allow all equipment. Restriction does not apply to Enemies using DD weapons.15: DD equipment non-lethal : Off, OnEnemy phases menu- Adjust minimum and maximum alert phase for enemy Command Posts-----------------1: Enable phase modifications : Off, OnThe Minimum, Maximum, and Don't downgrade phase settings are applied on at every update tick according to the Phase update rate and random variation settings2: Minimum phase : PHASE_SNEAK, PHASE_CAUTION, PHASE_EVASION, PHASE_ALERTPHASE_SNEAK - not alert, PHASE_CAUTION - alert, PHASE_EVASION - one step down from combat alert, PHASE_ALERT - combat alert3: Maximum phase : PHASE_SNEAK, PHASE_CAUTION, PHASE_EVASION, PHASE_ALERT4: Don't downgrade phase : Off, On5: Phase mod update rate (seconds) : 1-255Rate that the CPs phase is adjusted to the minimum and maxium settings.6: Phase mod random variation : 0-255Random variation of update rate7: Alert phase on vehicle attack : PHASE_SNEAK, PHASE_CAUTION, PHASE_EVASION, PHASE_ALERTDoes not require phase modifications setting to be enabled. The enemy reactions to heavy vehicle attack in the default game are lacking, you can kill someone and they'll act as if it's an unsourced attack. This option changes phase of soldiers command post on damaging the soldier. Setting it to ALERT recommended.8: Print phase changes : Off, OnDisplays when phase changes.Enemy reinforcements menu-------------------------1: Vehicle reinforcements : Off, Enemy Prep, Force PrepIn the normal game vehicle reinforcments through this system is only used for two missions, this enables it for more. Only heli will appear in free roam, vehicles depend on mission.2: Force enable enemy heli reinforce (disables heli sideops) : Off, OnSince the enemy heli reinforce feature re-uses the sideops heli, enabling this will disable sideops that have a heli in them so that the reinforce can use it.3: Force reinforce request for heli : Off, On4: Disable reinforce heli pull-out : Off, On5: Soldier reinforce with all vehicle reinforce types : Off, OnAllows an extra set of reinforce soldiers with all vehicle reinforce types instead of just Wheeled Armored Vehicles.Events menu-----------1: Trigger random IH event : 0-1Events are temporary combinations of IH settings for free roam and mother base.Free roam events (can stack): Crashland: Starts you on foot in at a random start point and randomly selects OSP options - cleared primary, secondary, back weapons, items, support items. Lost-coms: Disables most mother base support menus and disables all heli landing zones except from main bases/towns. Hunted: Sets the enemy to combat alert every 15-45 seconds (this also sets the player spotted position right on you), and also disables heli landing zones in a 2k radius from your start position, so you'll have to travel if you want to 'get out'. MB events (only one active): DD Training wargame, Soviet attack, Rogue Coyote attack, XOF attack, DD Infection outbreak, Zombie Obliteration (non DD)2: Free roam event random trigger chance : 0-100%Chance to randomly trigger an IH event on starting Free roam. (See 'Trigger random IH event')3: MB event random trigger chance : 0-100%Chance to randomly trigger an IH event on returning to MB. (See 'Trigger random IH event')4: Allow Hunted event : Off, On5: Allow Crashland event : Off, On6: Allow Lost Coms event : Off, On7: Skulls event menuSkulls event menu-----------------1: Enable Skull attacks in Free roam : Off, OnSkulls attack at a random time (in minutes) between Skull attack min and Skull attack max settings.2: Allow armor skulls : Off, On3: Allow mist skulls : Off, On4: Allow sniper skulls : Off, On5: Skull attack min (minutes) : 0-1806: Skull attack max (minutes) : 0-1807: Weather on Skull attack : None, Parasite fog, Random8: parasite_zombieLife : 0-100009: parasite_zombieStamina : 0-1000010: parasite_msfRate : 0-100Percentage chance a zombified soldier will have msf zombie behaviour11: parasite_msfCombatLevel_MIN : 0-912: parasite_msfCombatLevel_MAX : 0-913: parasite_playerRange : 0-100014: parasite_sightDistance : 0-100015: parasite_sightDistanceCombat : 0-100016: parasite_sightVertical : 0-100017: parasite_sightHorizontal : 0-100018: parasite_noiseRate : 0-10019: parasite_avoidSideMin : 0-10020: parasite_avoidSideMax : 0-10021: parasite_areaCombatBattleRange : 0-100022: parasite_areaCombatBattleToSearchTime : 0-10023: parasite_areaCombatLostSearchRange : 0-1000024: parasite_areaCombatLostToGuardTime : 0-100025: parasite_throwRecastTime : 0-100026: parasite_defenseValueMain : 0-10000027: parasite_defenseValueArmor : 0-10000028: parasite_defenseValueWall : 0-10000029: parasite_offenseGrade : 0-10030: parasite_defenseGrade : 0-10031: parasite_defenseValueCAMO : 0-10000032: parasite_offenseGradeCAMO : 0-10033: parasite_defenseGradeCAMO : 0-10034: parasite_escapeDistanceARMOR : 0-1000035: parasite_escapeDistanceMIST : 0-1000036: parasite_escapeDistanceCAMO : 0-1000037: parasite_spawnRadiusARMOR : 0-100038: parasite_spawnRadiusMIST : 0-100039: parasite_spawnRadiusCAMO : 0-100040: parasite_timeOutARMOR : 0-100041: parasite_timeOutMIST : 0-100042: parasite_timeOutCAMO : 0-1000Fulton menu-----------1: Extraction team in Free Roam : Off, OnExtraction team will recover enemies you have neutralized after you've travelled some distance from them (usually to next command post), using the same success rate as manual fultoning. This lets you do low/no fulton runs without having to sacrifice the recruitment side of gameplay.2: Extraction team in Missions : Off, On3: Disable fulton action : Off, OnDisables fulton at the player-action level4: Fulton levels menu5: Fulton success menuFulton levels menu------------------1: Fulton Level : Don't override, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 42: Wormhole Level : Don't override, Disable, EnableFulton success menu- Adjust the success rate of fultoning-------------------1: Fulton success variation : 0-100Subtracts the purcentage from fulton success in a periodic fashion.2: Soldier fulton success variation : 0-1003: Fulton variation inv rate : 1-1000Inverse rate (higher slower) of fulton variation cycle4: MB fulton support scale : 0-400%Scales the success bonus from mother base support section (which itself scales by section level). In the base game this is mostly used to counter weather penalty.5: MB fulton medical scale : 0-400%Scales the success bonus from mother base medical section (which itself scales by section level). In the base game this used to counter injured target penalty6: Target dying penalty : 0-1007: Target sleeping penalty : 0-1008: Target holdup penalty : 0-1009: Hostage handling : Default, Must extract (0%)10: Print mb fulton success bonus : 0-1Mission-prep features menu- Only affects the mission-prep screen, not the in-mission equivalents.--------------------------1: Skip mission prep for Free Roam : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEGo straight to mission, skipping the mission prep screen.2: Skip mission prep for Story Mission : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEGo straight to mission, skipping the mission prep screen.3: Skip mission prep for MB : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEGo straight to mission, skipping the mission prep screen.4: Disable select-buddy for Free Roam : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEPrevents selection of buddies during mission prep.5: Disable select-buddy for Story Mission : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEPrevents selection of buddies during mission prep.6: Disable select-buddy for MB : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEPrevents selection of buddies during mission prep.7: Disable select-vehicle for Free Roam : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEWARNING: Selecting a vehicle if the mission does not have player vehicle support means there will be no vehicle recovered on mission exit (effecively losing the vehicle you attempted to deploy).8: Disable select-vehicle for Story Mission : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEWARNING: Selecting a vehicle if the mission does not have player vehicle support means there will be no vehicle recovered on mission exit (effecively losing the vehicle you attempted to deploy).9: Disable select-vehicle for MB : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEWARNING: Selecting a vehicle if the mission does not have player vehicle support means there will be no vehicle recovered on mission exit (effecively losing the vehicle you attempted to deploy).10: Disable select-sortie time for Free Roam : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEOnly allows ASAP at mission prep11: Disable select-sortie time for Story Mission : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEOnly allows ASAP at mission prep12: Disable select-sortie time for MB : DEFAULT, FALSE, TRUEOnly allows ASAP at mission prepMother Base menu----------------1: Mother base prep mode : Off, FOB style, Enemy prep levels, Custom prep, Prep levels + Custom overrides2: Custom soldier equip menu3: MB Equip Range Type (MB Prep mode FOB only) : Short-range, Medium-range, Long-range, Random range4: DD Suit : OFF, DRAB, TIGER, SNEAKING_SUIT, BATTLE_DRESS, SWIMWEAR, SWIMWEAR2, SWIMWEAR3, PFA_ARMOR, SOVIET_A, SOVIET_B, PF_A, PF_B, PF_C, SOVIET_BERETS, SOVIET_HOODIES, SOVIET_ALL, PF_MISC, PF_ALL, MSF_GZ, MSF_TPP, XOF, XOF_GASMASK, XOF_GZ, GENOME_SOLDIERNew body types can be added via the bodyInfo addon system.5: DD Suit female : OFF, DRAB_FEMALE, TIGER_FEMALE, SNEAKING_SUIT_FEMALE, BATTLE_DRESS_FEMALE, SWIMWEAR_FEMALE, SWIMWEAR2_FEMALE, SWIMWEAR3_FEMALENew body types can be added via the bodyInfo addon system.6: DD Head gear : Off, Current prep7: NPC support heli patrols in MB : 0-3Spawns some npc support helis that roam around mother base.8: Attack heli patrols in MB : No helis, 1 heli, 2 helis, 3 helis, 4 helis, Enemy prepSpawns some npc attack helis that roam around mother base.9: Attack heli type in MB : HP-48 Krokodil, UTH-66 Blackfoot10: Attack heli class in MB : DEFAULT, BLACK, RED, RANDOM, RANDOM_EACH, ENEMY_PREP11: Walker gears in MB : Off, On12: Walker gears type : Soviet, Rogue Coyote, CFA, ZRS, Diamond Dogs, Hueys Prototype (texture issues), All one random type, Each gear random type13: Walker gears weapons : Even split of weapons, Minigun, Missiles, All one random type, Each gear random type14: Repopulate plants and diamonds : Off, OnRegenerates plants on Zoo platform and diamonds on Mother base over time.15: Enemy prep decrease on long MB visit : Off, OnSpend a number of game days (break out that cigar) during a mother base visit and enemy prep levels will decrease on leaving. Currently reduces after 3 days (stacking), reduces the same as chicken hat 16: Enable all buddies : Off, OnDoes not clear D-Horse and D-Walker if set from deploy screen and returning to mother base, they may however spawn inside building geometry, use the call menu to have them respawn near. Also allows buddies on the Zoo platform, now you can take D-Dog or D-Horse to visit some animals.17: More soldiers on MB plats : Off, OnIncreases soldiers on platforms from 4 soldiers to 9.18: Force enable Quaranine platform soldiers : Off, OnNormally game the Qurantine platform soldiers are disabled once you capture Skulls. This option re-enables them.19: Soldiers move between platforms : Off, OnSoldiers will periodically move between platforms (only within the same cluster).20: Staff menu21: Show characters menu22: Show assets menu23: Allow lethal actions : Off, OnEnables lethal weapons and actions on Mother Base. You will still get a game over if you kill staff.24: Women in Enemy Invasion mode : 0-100%25: Mother Base War Games : Off, DD Training, Enemy Invasion, DD Infection, Zombie Obliteration (non DD)Profiles that sets many of the wargames event settings, but just the underlying categories, see 'MB event random trigger chance' actually themed/flavorful versionsStaff menu----------1: Add player staff to MB priority : 0-1Add the last sortie selected DD member to the Mother Base priority staff list to have them appear on MB2: Remove player staff to MB priority : 0-1Removes the last sortie selected DD member to the Mother Base priority staff list3: Clear MB staff priority list : 0-1Clears MB staff priority list entirely4: Female staff selection : Default, None, All available, HalfBy default the game tries to assign a minimum of 2 females per cluster from the females assigned to the clusters section, All available and Half will select females first when trying to populate a MB section, None will prevent any females from showing on mother base5: Staff-wide morale boost for good visit : Off, OnGives a staff-wide morale boost on having a number of soldiers salute (most of a cluster), visiting a number of clusters (with at least one salute on each), or staying in base a number of game days (break out that cigar). Must leave the base via heli for it to apply.6: Add more salute reactions : Off, OnAdds additional reactions from MB staff when they salute you.Show characters menu--------------------1: Enable Ocelot : Off, OnEnables Ocelot to roam the command platform.2: Puppy DDog : Off, Missing eye, Normal eyesNote: The training side-op on the command platform will be disabled while this is active.3: Show Code Talker : Off, On4: Show Eli : Off, On5: Show Huey : Off, OnShows Huey in BattleGear hangar and in cutscenes even before he's arrived or after he's left story-wise.6: Enable Birds : Off, On7: Additional NPCs menu8: Reset Paz state to beginning : 0-19: Return Quiet after mission 45 : 0-1Instantly return Quiet, runs same code as the Reunion mission 11 replay.10: showQuietReunionMissionCount : 0-1Additional NPCs menu--------------------1: Female nurse : Off, On2: Male doctor : Off, On3: Male researcher : Off, On4: Female researcher : Off, On5: Male groundcrew : Off, On6: Children : Off, On7: Kaz Miller : Off, OnShow assets menu----------------1: Show Big Boss posters : Off, On2: Show nuke elimination monument : Off, On3: Show Sahelanthropus : Off, On4: Show ships : Off, On5: Enable asset alarms : Off, OnEnables anti fulton theft alarms on containers and AA guns. Only partially working, will only trigger alarm once.6: Enable IR sensors : Off, OnEnable IR sensor gates. Only partially working, will only trigger alarm once, and will only show one or no beam.7: Hide containers : Off, On8: Hide AA cannons : Off, On9: Hide AA gatlings : Off, On10: Hide turret machineguns : Off, On11: Hide mortars : Off, On12: Unlock goal doors : Off, On13: Force BattleGear built level : 0-5Changes the build state of BattleGear in it's hangar, 0 is use the regular story progression.Patrols and deployments menu----------------------------1: Foot patrols in free roam : Off, OnFoot patrols will travel between random CPs and will cross the field to get there.2: Wildcard soldiers Free roam : Off, OnChanges a few soldiers throughout the CPs to have unique models and high end weapons.3: Attack heli patrols in free roam : No helis, 1 heli, 2 helis, 3 helis, 4 helis, Enemy prepAllows multiple enemy helicopters that travel between larger CPs. Due to limitations their current position will not be saved/restored so may 'dissapear/appear' on reload.4: Attack heli patrols in MB : No helis, 1 heli, 2 helis, 3 helis, 4 helis, Enemy prepSpawns some npc attack helis that roam around mother base.5: Attack heli type in FreeRoam : HP-48 Krokodil, UTH-66 Blackfoot6: Attack heli type in MB : HP-48 Krokodil, UTH-66 Blackfoot7: Attack heli class in FreeRoam : DEFAULT, BLACK, RED, RANDOM, RANDOM_EACH, ENEMY_PREPCombined appearance and health8: Attack heli class in MB : DEFAULT, BLACK, RED, RANDOM, RANDOM_EACH, ENEMY_PREP9: Walker gears in free roam : Off, OnAdds a Walker gear to each main base.10: Walker gears in MB : Off, On11: Vehicle patrols in free roam : Game default - trucks only, All of one type, Each vehicle differing typeReplaces the patrolling trucks in free roam with other vehicles, picked randomly from enabled types.12: Vehicle patrol class : Default, Dark grey, Red, All one random type, Each vehicle random type, Enemy prep13: Allow jeeps : Off, On14: Allow trucks : Off, On15: Allow wheeled armored vehicles : Off, On16: Allow heavy wheeled armored vehicles : Off, On17: Allow tanks : Off, On18: Equipment on trucks : Off, OnPuts a random piece of equipment on the back of patrol trucks.Player restrictions menu- Settings to customize the game challenge, including subsistence and OSP.------------------------1: Disable support heli attack : Off, OnStops support heli from engaging targets.2: Disable fulton action : Off, OnDisables fulton at the player-action level3: Force subsistence suit (Olive Drab, no headgear) : Off, On4: Set hand type to default : Off, On5: Disable abort mission from pause menu : Off, On6: Disable retry on mission fail : Off, On7: Game over on combat alert : Off, On8: Disable game over on killing child soldier : Off, On9: Disable out of bounds checks : Off, On10: Disable game over : Off, On11: Disable Intel team enemy spotting : Off, OnStops the Intel teams enemy spotting audio notification and indication on the idroid map.12: Disable Intel team herb spotting (requires game restart) : Off, OnStops the Intel teams plant spotting audio notification and indication on the idroid map. Since the variable is only read once on game startup this setting requires a game restart before it will activate/deactivate.13: Keep equipment FreeMission : Off, OnPrevents equipment and weapons being reset when going between free-roam and missions.14: Marking display menu15: Disable mission support-menus menu16: Item level menu17: Hand abilities levels menu18: Fulton levels menu19: Fulton success menu20: OSP menu21: Mission-prep features menuMarking display menu- Toggles for marking in main view. Does not effect marking on iDroid map--------------------1: Disable head markers : Off, OnDisables markers above soldiers and objects2: Disable Xray marking : Off, OnDisables the 'X-ray' effect of marked soldiers. Note: Buddies that mark still cause the effect.3: Disable world markers : Off, OnDisables objective and placed markersDisable mission support-menus menu- Disables mission support menus in iDroid----------------------------------1: Disable Supply drop support-menu : Off, On2: Disable Buddies support-menu : Off, On3: Disable Attack support-menu : Off, On4: Disable Heli attack support-menu : Off, On5: Disable Support-menu : Off, OnItem level menu---------------1: Int-Scope level : Don't override, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 42: IDroid level : Don't override, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4Hand abilities levels menu--------------------------1: Sonar level : Don't override, Disable, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 42: Mobility level : Don't override, Disable, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 43: Precision level : Don't override, Disable, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 44: Medical level : Don't override, Disable, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4OSP menu- Allows you to enter a mission with primary, secondary, back weapons set to none, individually settable. Separate from subsistence mode (but subsistence uses it). LEGACY You should set equip none via mission prep instead.--------1: Primary weapon OSP : Use selected weapon, Clear weapon2: Secondary weapon OSP : Use selected weapon, Clear weapon3: Back Weapon OSP : Use selected weapon, Clear weapon4: Items OSP : Off, On5: Support items OSP : Off, OnPlayer settings menu--------------------1: Player life scale : 0-650%2: Subtract demon points : 0-1Subtracts 999999 points from demon score3: Add demon points : 0-1Adds 999999 points to demon score4: Don't subtract hero points : Off, OnActions that usually subtract hero points don't.5: Don't add demon points : Off, OnActions that usually add demon points don't.6: Hero points subtract demon points : Off, OnActions that add hero points subtract the same amount of demon points7: Use selected soldier in all cutscenes and missions : Off, On8: Appearance menuAppearance menu---------------1: Player type : SNAKE, AVATAR, DD_MALE, DD_FEMALE, OCELOT, QUIETChange main player type. WARNING: Ocelot and Quiet player types have side effect when used due to trying to work around them being restricted to FOB. The Pause menu will be disabled and the game may hit an infinite load if you complete a mission while they are used. Use nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/518 by BobDoleOwndU to fix sound issues with using these player types.2: Suit type : 3: Camo type : 4: Headgear : 5: Filter faces : Show all, Headgear (cosmetic), Unique, Head fova mods6: Face : 7: Skip developed checks : Off, OnAllows items that haven't been developed to be selected.8: Print face info : 0-19: Print appearance info : 0-110: Form Variation menuProgression menu----------------1: Resource scale menu2: Repopulate music tape radios : Off, On3: Unlock playable avatar : 0-1Unlock avatar before mission 464: Unlock weapon customization : 0-1Unlock without having to complete legendary gunsmith missions5: Reset Paz state to beginning : 0-16: Return Quiet after mission 45 : 0-1Instantly return Quiet, runs same code as the Reunion mission 11 replay.7: showQuietReunionMissionCount : 0-1Resource scale menu-------------------1: Enable resource amount scales : Off, OnEnables the resource scale options that scale the amount of resources when gathered (material case resources, containers, diamonds, plants)2: Material case scale : 10-1000%3: Plant scale : 10-1000%4: Poster scale : 10-1000%5: Diamond scale : 10-1000%6: Container scale : 10-1000%RouteSet menu- Options to randomize what routes soldiers use in a Command Post.-------------1: Randomize RouteSets in missions : Off, OnEnables all following options. Also randomizes current routeSet on mission load/reload. WARNING: may mess up scripted mission routes.2: Randomize RouteSets in free roam : Off, OnEnables all following options. Also randomizes current routeSet on mission load/reload. Requires randomize group priority or group routes to be on.3: Randomize on shift change : Off, OnRandomize current routeSet on morning and night shift changes.4: Randomize on phase change : Off, OnRandomize current routeSet when enemy phase changes in any way, Sneak, Caution, Alert, Evasion. Up or down.5: Randomize group priority : Off, OnEach routeSet for a CP has a number of groups of routes, this will change the order the groups are picked from.6: Randomize group routes : Off, OnEach routeSet for a CP has a number of groups of routes, this will change the order within the group.7: Randomize RouteSet now : 0-1Randomize current routeset right now. (Use the command in-mission).Side ops menu-------------1: Reroll sideops selection : 0-12: Open specific sideop # : OFF3: Unlock Sideops mode : Off, Force Replayable, Force OpenLets you force story and one-time sideops to be replayable, and open sideops before the usual progression.4: Sideop selection mode : Default (first found), Random, Story/unique, Extract interpreter, Secure blueprint, Extract highly-skilled soldier, Prisoner extraction, Capture animals, Extract wandering Mother Base soldier, Unlucky Dog, Eliminate heavy infantry, Mine clearing, Eliminate armored vehicle unit, Extract legendary gunsmith, Eliminate tank unit, Eliminate wandering puppets, Addon sideopSideops are broken into areas to stop overlap, this setting lets you control the choice of sideop within the area. Random - picks a random sideop for the sideop area, the other modes choose a random sideop of the specic sideop category. Also see the Sideops category filter menu.5: Sideops category filter menu6: Show all open sideops : Off, OnShows all open sideops in sideop list, this mostly affects open but not yet completed sideops from hiding others. There is however a limit of 192 entries for the sideop list, so some will be randomly dropped from the list.7: Force enable enemy heli reinforce (disables heli sideops) : Off, OnSince the enemy heli reinforce feature re-uses the sideops heli, enabling this will disable sideops that have a heli in them so that the reinforce can use it.8: Include add-on sideops in completion percentage : Off, On9: Enable Shooting Practice Retry : Off, OnDoes not hide the starting point when Shooting Practice starts or finishes, and allows you to cancel while in progress and start again.10: Set Shooting Practice caution time to best time : Off, OnSets the caution time/time when the timer turns red to the current best time (rounded up to the second) so you have a clearer idea when going for best time.Sideops category filter menu- Filters selection of sideops per category, Sideop selection mode will override this.----------------------------1: Story/unique : Off, On2: Extract interpreter : Off, On3: Secure blueprint : Off, On4: Extract highly-skilled soldier : Off, On5: Prisoner extraction : Off, On6: Capture animals : Off, On7: Extract wandering Mother Base soldier : Off, On8: Unlucky Dog : Off, On9: Eliminate heavy infantry : Off, On10: Mine clearing : Off, On11: Eliminate the armored vehicle unit : Off, On12: Extract the Legendary Gunsmith : Off, On13: Eliminate tank unit : Off, On14: Eliminate wandering puppets : Off, On15: Target practice : Off, OnSoldier parameters menu-----------------------1: Enable soldier parameter settings : Off, OnTurn this on to enable the life, sight and hearing enemy param options, turn this off if you have another mod that modifies Soldier2ParameterTables.lua (ie Hardcore mod).2: Soldier life scale : 0-900%0% will kill off all enemies3: Soldier sight scale : 0-400%A rough scale over all the soldier sight distances, except for night sight distance, use the command 'Print sight param table (look in iDroid Log>All tab)' to see exact values.4: Soldier night sight scale : 0-400%5: Soldier hearing distance scale : 0-400%6: Soldier item drop chance : 0-100%Chance soldier will drop an item when eliminated.7: Print health param table (look in iDroid Log>All tab) : 0-18: Print sight param table (look in iDroid Log>All tab) : 0-19: Print hearing distance table (look in iDroid Log>All tab) : 0-1Support heli menu-----------------1: Disable support heli attack : Off, OnStops support heli from engaging targets.2: Set heli invincible : Off, On3: Force searchlight : Default, Off, On4: Disable pull-out : Off, OnPrevents heli from leaving when you jump on-board, so you can use the gun from a stationary position, or just change your mind and jump out again. Press while in the heli to get it to pull-out again (or use menu). NOTE: Disable pull-out will prevent the mother base helitaxi selection menu, press to re-enable or use the mod menu.5: Set LZ wait height : 5-50Set the height at which the heli hovers in wait mode (not landing mode).6: Mission start time till open door : 0-120Time from mission start to you opening the door to sit on the side. You can set this lower or 0 to do it immediately, or longer to ride the heli in first person. Press to manually open the door.7: Disable landing zones : Off, Assault, RegularDisables Assault Landing Zones (those usually in the center of a base that the support heli will circle before landing), or all LZs but Assault LZs8: Start free roam on foot : Off, All but assault LZs, All LZs9: Start missions on foot : Off, All but assault LZs, All LZs10: Start Mother base on foot : Off, All but assault LZs, All LZsTime scale menu---------------1: Toggle TSM : 0-1Lets you manually toggle Time scale mode that's usually used for Reflex/CQC.2: TSM length (seconds) : 0-1000The time in seconds of the TSM3: TSM world time scale : 0-100Time scale of the world, including soldiers/vehicles during TSM4: TSM player time scale : 0-100Time scale of the player during TSM5: No screen effect : Off, OnDoes not apply the dust and blur effect while TSM is active.6: Clock time scale : 1-10000Changes the time scale of the day/night/weather system. Does not change the speed of soldiers like the cigar does. Lower for closer to real time, higher for faster.7: Set clock time : 00Weather menu------------1: Force weather : NONE, SUNNY, CLOUDY, RAINY, SANDSTORM, FOGGY2: Fog density : 0-13: Fog type : NORMAL, PARASITE, EERIE4: RequestTag : default, indoor, indoor_noSkySpe, indoor_noSkySpe_RLR, indoor_RLR, indoor_RLR_paz, fort_shadow_inside, foggy_20, qntnFacility, pitchDark, avatar_space, sortie_space, sortie_space_ShadowShort, sortie_space_heli, citadel_indoor, soviet_hanger, soviet_hanger2, Sahelan_fog, Sahelan_RedFog, factory_fog, factory_fog_indoor, VolginRide, mafr_forest, uq0040_p31_030020, heli_space, tunnel, diamond_tunnel, fort_shadow_outside, ruins_shadow, slopedTown_shadow, shadow_middle, shadow_long, citadel_color_shadowMiddle, citadel_color_shadowLong, temp_CaptureLongShadow, citadel_redDoor, factory_Volgin_shadow_middle, factory_Volgin_shadow_long, bridge_shadow, cypr_day, cypr_title, kypr_indoor, group_photo, edit, probe_check, exposureAdd_1, citadel_color, exposureSub_1, bloomAdd_1, cypr_Night_RLR, cypr_Night_RLR2, edit_1, citadel_color2, edit_2, kypr_drizzleA collection of sky, lighting settings bundled under a 'tag' name in the locations weatherParameters file. Only applies when you press activate (not persitant over sessions). Game may reset or change it at different points.5: RequestTag interp time : 0-100Interpolation time between the prior tag and the one requested.6: Apply Sky Parameters : 0-17: Unapply Sky Parameters : 0-1Stops the IH sky parameters from being applied.8: Upper clouds scale : 0-100Scale of main clouds overhead9: Horizon clouds height : -1000-1000Height of horizon clouds10: Horizon clouds speed : -100000-100000Scrolling speed of horizon clouds===============In-mission menu---------------1: Support heli to marker : 0-1Sends Support heli to Landing Zone closest to the last placed user marker while riding it.2: Force exit helicopter : 0-1Lets you exit the helicopter while riding it, mind the fall.3: Drop current equip : 0-14: Warp [Mode] : Off, OnEssentially no-clip mode (for those that remember what that means). It teleports your player a small distance each update of which warp direction button you press or hold. Will move you through walls/geometry. The menu navigation/dpad/arrow keys will warp you in that direction, will warp you down and will warp you up.5: Warp to latest marker : 0-16: General Help : 0-1General Help:Press F2 to toggle mouse cursor.Navigate menu: Arrow keys or Dpad.Activate or advance setting: Press Right key or Dpad or double-click option in menu.Search for settings: Click on the setting text below the menu list, type what you want and press Enter.Change a numerical setting: Click on the setting value below the menu list, type what you want and press Enter.Menu item type symbols:> Sub-menu >> Command >] Command that closes menu when done Option that applies change when setting selectected/cycled to >! Option that has an action activated by pressing Some settings apply when selected or just set the value when the a feature is triggered by another command or during mission load.See ReadMe or Features and Options for more info.7: IH system menu8: Appearance menu9: Buddy menu10: Cam - AroundCam menu11: Cam - PlayCam menu12: Cam - Player Cam hook menu13: Debug stuff menu14: Enemy phases menu15: Fulton success menu16: MB Ocean menu17: Markers menu18: Misc menu19: Motions menu20: Object lists menu21: Player restrictions menu22: RouteSet menu23: Staff menu24: Support heli menu25: Time scale menu26: Weather menuIH system menu- See IH system menu while in ACC for full options.--------------1: Enable IHExt : Off, OnIHExt is a windows program that acts as an gui overlay if MGSV is running in Windowed Borderless.2: Enable help text. : Off, OnShows help text for some options.3: Give IHExt focus : 0-14: Enable mouse cursor on menu open : Off, OnAutomatically enable mouse cursor when IHMenu opens. The cursor can also be seperately toggled with F25: Disable hold menu toggle : Off, OnDisables the legacy hold to open menu, the two button menu combo + will still work.6: UI Style Editor : 0-1Toggles the IMGui Style Editor to load, change and save the style for IHHook IMGUI.7: Enable Quick Menu : Off, OnShortcut key combinations to activate IH features. See Infinite Heaven readme or InfQuickMenuDefs.lua in mod folder.Appearance menu---------------1: Player type : SNAKE, AVATAR, DD_MALE, DD_FEMALE, OCELOT, QUIETChange main player type. WARNING: Ocelot and Quiet player types have side effect when used due to trying to work around them being restricted to FOB. The Pause menu will be disabled and the game may hit an infinite load if you complete a mission while they are used. Use nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/518 by BobDoleOwndU to fix sound issues with using these player types.2: Suit type : 3: Camo type : 4: Headgear : 5: Filter faces : Show all, Headgear (cosmetic), Unique, Head fova mods6: Face : 7: Skip developed checks : Off, OnAllows items that haven't been developed to be selected.8: Print face info : 0-19: Print appearance info : 0-110: Form Variation menuForm Variation menu- Form Variation support for player models (requires model swap to support it), the fova system is how the game shows and hides sub-models.-------------------1: Use selected fova : Off, On2: : 3: Print current body info : 0-1Buddy menu----------1: Buddy Equipment : No buddy setBuddy equiment is changed to selected setting when is pressed.2: Quiet move to last marker : 0-1Sets a position similar to the Quiet attack positions, but can be nearly anywhere. Quiet will still abort from that position if it's too close to enemies.3: Quiets MB radio track : [Autoplay], Heavens Divide, Koi no Yokushiryoku, Gloria, Kids In America, Rebel Yell, The Final Countdown, Nitrogen, Take On Me, Ride A White Horse, Maneater, A Phantom Pain, Only Time Will Tell, Behind the Drapery, Love Will Tear Us Apart, All the Sun Touches, TRUE, Take The DW, Friday Im In Love, Midnight Mirage, Dancing With Tears In My Eyes, The Tangerine, Planet Scape, How 'bout them zombies ey, Snake Eater, 204863, You Spin Me Round, Quiet Life, She Blinded Me With Science, Dormant Stream, Too Shy, Peace WalkerChanges the music track of the radio played in Quiets cell on the medical platform in mother base.Cam - AroundCam menu--------------------1: Adjust-cam [Mode] : Off, On聽 Move cam with normal move keys 聽 (Shift or Left stick click) to move up聽 (Middle mouse or Right stick click) to move down聽 Hold the following and move left stick up/down to increase/decrease the settings:聽 - Zoom/focal length聽 - Aperture (DOF)聽 - Focus distance (DOF) 聽 - Cam move speed聽 - Camera orbit distance聽 Or hold and press the above to reset that setting.聽 Hold and press to move free cam position to the player position2: Camera mode : Default, Free cam3: Reset camera position to player : 0-1




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